
Monday, May 14, 2012

Food Diary - May 14

I accidentally didn't record on Friday.  I still ate well, but I just wish I could look back and see how I actually did.  The weekend was a good one.  My sister, Michelle, graduated from graduate school.  We went out to dinner and I had a salad and two small slices of pizza.  I don't remember exactly how I ate on Sunday, but I know that my mother always keeps healthy snacks around.  I can say pretty confidently that I did well in sticking to my plan this past week.  It's technically been 7 days since I began, and I'm proud of myself for doing this.  I've started looking up alternative recipes to the things I normally prepare to throw a little (okay... a lot) of variety into my diet.  I think that might be the key to sticking to this.  Weight Watchers was right - it's about lifestyle changes.  And for me, I need to spice things up (literally and figuratively.  One day I'll post a picture of my overflowing spice rack and you'll know what I mean.)  Mondays are Bagel Mondays, and it's sometimes hard to resist when the aroma of an everything bagel assaults your nostrils at 9:30am - especially when you're not a morning person and your brain isn't yet functioning.  I've learned to take just a half of a bagel to satisfy my craving, and what's more is that I gut the bagel so I really only have the shell and reduce the amount of bread I'm eating.  It still tastes just as good and I am just as satisfied as when I was reaching for an entire bagel.

With all that said, today's menu looked like this:
1/2 wheat bagel (everything bagels were in hot demand today, so I missed out) with scallion cream cheese
Cauliflower with hummus
Progresso French Onion Soup
  Lettuce, red cabbage, carrots
  Black beans
  Dried cranberries
  Chicken with hot sauce and chipotle powder
  Mexican reduced fat shredded cheese
  FF ranch
2 dulce de leche cookies
2 chips
Tootsie Pop
Sweet potato chips (homemade, just a sweet potato)
Chicken broccoli cordon bleu
Baked French fries
Veggie mix

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